miércoles, 30 de diciembre de 2015


SONG: Nothing matters when we're dancing- The Magnetic Fields

Beauty has always been one of society's great obsessions. However, there is still a question to answer... what exactly is "beauty"?

From my point of view, people have adopted what the media portrays as "beautiful", and to me, "beauty" is a perception. I think that magazines, films and advertising have put way too much emphasis on showing us what beauty should really look like, which is pretty harmful, especially to young girls with no self-esteem.

Besides, people can be physically attractive but awful as humans. Lately these days, the belief that a person is beautiful when both their personality and physical appearance are gorgeous is becoming more and more widespread.

Apart from that, something which you can control as your look affects your choice of mate, the friends you have and even your job. And that's because when you apply for a job, the first thing they are going to take into account is your appearance: whether you are well dressed or not.

In conclusion, I would say beauty is still highly overvalued nowadays, and I would also add that everybody is beautiful to somebody.

                                                                                             By A.D.C.


Song: The River - Bruce Springsteen

Millions of animals are used in medical experiments to develop new medicines and to test the safety of other products each year. As it is a controversial issue, it has many points of view.

On the one hand, animal testing is cruel and inhumane as animals are drugged with medicines which are not necessarily safe. Besides, it is contradictory that we reject experimenting on humans but not on animals, as they suffer just like we do. And, also, I once heard that not all scientists are sure that these tests are valid or successful.

However, on the other hand, experimentation on animals has helped to many life-saving cures and treatments, and laws highly regulate animal research in order to prevent them from mistreatment.

In my case, I don't have a formed opinion about this difficult question to answer. I think there are so many points to keep in mind that it is really complicated to make a decision.

                                                    by A.D.C.


   SONG: Ismael Lo - Tajabone

At my age, very few people know exactly what they are going to do with their lives as we are constantly changing our plans for the future, creating new goals and developing diverse actions to achieve our desired results.

In the near future, I will go to university and in spite of not knowing for sure what I am going to study, I'm pretty convinced that I will focus on a degree related to biology as it is a subject I am really keen on. Consequently, I hope I will succeed in my studies so that I can have the opportunity to participate in an Erasmus program as I am willing to have lots of special experiences at the university.

Besides, if I became a doctor, I would love to join a volunteer program in order to help people around the world in an altruistic way. Furthermore, as I love travelling, I would like to work and live in as many countries as posible so I'd get to know other cultures and foreign people as well as new languages.

Before setting my life, I am going to enjoy my youth as much as I can as you only live once and you have to make the most of it. Then, I will be willing to own a home and start a family.

                                                               By L.B

domingo, 20 de diciembre de 2015


  ¿ Tienes que escribir una redacción en inglés y no sabes como empezar?  He aquí algunos consejos que te pueden ayudar:

1.    La mayoría de las frases que vas a escribir serán afirmativas o negativas.
       Ten en cuenta que en inglés estas frases, salvo unas pocas excepciones, deben tener siempre un sujeto, un verbo y los complementos y que el orden es:  sujeto + verbo + complementos ( S  V  C).

2.  Al escribir debes hacerlo describiendo detalles. Cuantos más detalles anotes relacionados con el tema asignado, mejor será la redacción.
      Usa tu imaginación y capacidad creativa al escribir.

3.    Usa vocabulario variado y preciso: verbos, conectores,… . Trabaja siempre con el diccionario a mano para consultarlo porque te será de gran ayuda.
       Procura evitar la repetición de las mismas palabras a lo largo del texto (go, went, and, because,…) y evita insertar frases de relleno para contabilizar palabras que no aportan ningún valor a la redacción. Esto aburre a los lectores y al corrector.

4.  Separa la redacción en párrafos. Una redacción consta normalmente de varios párrafos.
    Cuida la presentación , caligrafía , puntuación y uso de mayúsculas/minúsculas.

5.  Esfuérzate y sé constante. Si lo haces así , a medida que vayas escribiendo redacciones, mejorarás.

   A continuación se te muestra un modelo de redacción, con sus elementos principales subrayados (sujeto , verbo y complementos) , en la que puedes ver cómo se escribe de forma detallada, usando vocabulario variado y conectores diferentes (en color rojo) que enriquecen el texto.

COMPOSITION 1:  describiendo de forma detallada algo tan rutinario como es el hecho de cepillarse los dientes.

Patrick  brushes  his teeth after every meal.
     s              v                           c

After Patrick  has dinner  , he  clears  the kitchen table ,  
         s               v                s      v               c                     

he  stands up  and  he  goes  to the living room , where
s        v                   s      v          c

he  watches   a programme on television .  Patrick  goes
 s       v                            c                            s           v

to bed at 22:15 on week days  as  he  is  tired  so  he  switches off
            c                                        s    v    c            s         v                              

the television.

First , he  walks  to the  bathroom . Second , he  takes  his toothpaste
           s      v             c                                    s      v            c

and toothbrush .  Then , he  puts some toothpaste on the toothbrush . 
                                        s      v                  c

After that , he  brushes  his teeth for about two minutes  since  
                       s          v                       c

he   doesn't want to have  cariesHis favourite flavour   is   mint  
s          v                            c                s                            v      c

although  he also  likes   other sweet flavours .
                 s             v                c

When  Patrick  finishes brushing  his teeth , he  takes  water in a glass
               s                v                       c           s      v             c

he  drinks  the water ,  he  rinses out  his mouth  and  he  spits  
 s       v          c              s        v               c                     s     v

the water in the washbasin .

He  dries  his mouth and hands with a towel . He  places  his toothpaste
s       v                c                                                            s         v               c                              

and his toothbrush in the drawer  and  he  closes  it .
                                                             s      v       c                               

He cleans the washbasin . Finally he  walks out of  the bathroom
 s        v         c                                 s          v                  c       

he  switches off  the light ,  he  closes  the bathroom door  and  

he  heads  to his bedroom.                      

jueves, 17 de diciembre de 2015


I wake up at a quarter past seven every day. I stop the alarm clock at sixteen past seven. The alarm clock goes off again at nineteen past seven, and I stop it again from its back side, so I get to sleep once more until twenty-six past seven.

I finally get up at half pat seven. Then I put on my clothes and I go to the kitchen.

There, I take a cup from the cupboard, I take the milk and I pour it into the cup. Then, I put it into the microwave to heat it. While the milk is in the microwave, I take some biscuits. I love dipping my biscuits in the milk.

After having my breakfast, I walk to the bathroom to brush my teeth. Next, I go to my bedroom, I take my shoes, I sit down on my bed and I put them on.

Later, I take my schoolbag, I walk downstairs and I wait until the bus arrives in front of my house.

Finally, I arrive at the high school at twenty-five past eight.

                                       By I.M

martes, 15 de diciembre de 2015


      SONG: Jevetta Steele - I´m Calling You

In the morning, I get up when my clock rings at half past seven. I put the slippers in my feet and I go to the kitchen.

I take my favourite  cup, the cup of LAMBORGHINI. I go to the fridge and I take the milk and the oranges. I fill  half of the cup with milk and I put the cup with milk into the microwave, but I don't heat it.

I cut the oranges and I squeeze them in the squeezer. I start the microwave to heat the milk.

Meanwhile, I put a lot of sugar in a glass and I pour the orange juice in the glass with the sugar.

When the microwave rings and the milk is hot, I put the cup of milk on the kitchen table. I go to the cupboard of the kitchen and I take the biscuits.

Then I have breakfast. But it´s a quarter to eight, so I have breakfast very fast, I clear the table and I go to the bathroom. I take my toothpaste and my toothbrush and I brush my teeth. After, I rinse my mouth, which is clean and fresh. 

At five to eight, I go to my bedroom and I dress up. At eight 
o'clock I walk to the high school with my friend Andrea.

While I arrive at the high school at a quarter past eight , I talk with my friends and I wait till the bell rings. When the bell rings, I enter the classroom and I take out the books and the notebooks.

                                                  By D.A                                                                              

lunes, 14 de diciembre de 2015


SONG:  Abba - One of us

I love maths. Maths are my passion. This means that in my future there must be a lot of numbers. I don't know what I want to become, and I don't really feel like any of the professions I know fit me. The only thing I am sure of is that there have to be numbers. I would like to travel a lot too, to investigate in other countries.  

After finishing my degree, I would like to investigate and to deepen on how numbers are everywhere we are and on everything we do. Maybe after a year or two, I suppose I would like to find a stable job, and it would be nice to be a maths teacher, as I could spend a lot of time talking about my passion. I have always thought that one of the most satisfying feelings is knowing that thanks to you, other people share the same passion.

I would like to have kids too, which carries the responsability of teaching and bringing them up, so having a job which involves children would also help much on this task. I would love to have plenty of time (and money) to travel a lot with them, and to show them a lot of nice places and cultures, as I feel extremely grateful to my parents for having taken my to so many places. Travelling really changes the way a child grows up, and in my opinion, travelling when your kid is small should be something everybody could afford to do at least once a year.

In brief, I can summarize my future in two essential words: ''trips'' and ''numbers".

                                                                                 By A.S

viernes, 11 de diciembre de 2015

84. PROS AND CONS OF COMESTIC SURGERY , by P.R (Bachillerato 2)

         MY SONG:  Glee - I Feel Pretty/ Unpretty

Cosmetic surgery seems to be a topic which people like to discuss about lately. It may be because society is very influenced by beauty standards and prejudices. In addition, models have a huge influence on people too.

For this reason, to be handsome we have to look like models who appear in magazines. However, we are born with  different physical appearances and imperfections, and perfections are not the same in every person. Due to this fact, people appeal to surgery. But if we tried to change ourselves to be like others, would we all be clones? Who would we be if we tried to change ourselves?

I understand that some celebrities live from their physical appearance and cosmetic surgery helps them. I also think cosmetic surgery can be helpful for people who have had an accident and need surgery. But, apart from that, I believe it is important to be true to who we are and to understand that we can be pretty just the way we are.

                                                                               By P.R.


MY SONG:  Macklemore & Ryan Lewis - Growing Up
                  (Sloane´s Song) featured by Ed Sheeran

Nowadays, studying to become a teacher is getting more popular than it used to. However, this profession is also undervalued. It is also hard to find a job as a teacher and it supposes a lot of effort as teachers have to put up with children every day and they have to learn things during their professional career so they can teach new contents.

A friend of mine is studying teaching and she once told me this: “I hate when my friends think they are better than me because they are studying other degrees and they undervalue teaching. Luckily, I am the one who is going to educate their children.” That made me wonder how important education is and how incredible it is the way teachers can change and help you in so many ways.

Although I value teaching, I don’t think I would like to become one. As I said before, it requires a lot of effort and it isn’t the job of my dreams. But from my point of view, it would be positive to teach for a few years children who need support.

                                                                                  By P.A. 

miércoles, 9 de diciembre de 2015

82. PROS AND CONS OF COSMETIC SURGERY, by A.R (Bachillerato 2)

    MY SONG: Wildfire - Seafret

Every year millions of people undergo surgery in order to modify some parts of their body that they dislike. Cosmetic surgery has sometimes been considereted a negative branch of medicine, however it is sometimes beneficial for the person who is changing his/her physical appearance.

On the other hand, cosmetic surgery is the perfect option for somebody who doesn’t feel comfortable with his/her body. If an operation is going to change one's mood it’s the best thing a person can do, nevertheless before you get a cosmetic surgery you must be 100% sure and you have to know what you are getting into. In my opinion these types of operations shouldn’t be undergone to try to be more confident. On the other hand, as I said before, I believe people must admit their flaws and try to avoid cosmetic surgery. Nobody is perfect, so people shouldn’t worry about having a small mouth or not having big breasts.

Cosmetic surgery is usually an attempt to be perfect as if people are perfect they think they can be happy. Fortunately, happiness is not all about perfection. People ought to accept their imperfections and move on in their lives since beauty is not that important.

                                                   By A.R

martes, 8 de diciembre de 2015


       SONG: Smash Mouth - All Star 

I believe that society is divided in two kinds of people: those who loved Pokemon when they were small kids, and those who loved Digimon. In fact, there has always been a silent and almost indiscernible resentment between these two groups. As you can tell judging my irreproachable, elegant behaviour and my distinguished use of the English language, I belong to the Digimon group.

I can perfectly remember all those days in which I came back from school, had lunch and sat down in front of the TV, waiting for ‘Saber y Ganar’ to finish in order to see another extremely desired Digimon episode. I still have nightmares in which Jordi Hurtado comes to my house and slaughters all my precious digimons. I will never forgive him…

In case you do not know what Digimon was about, let me tell you the basic plot of the story: a group of Japanese friends are sucked into a digital world in which there are strange creatures called digimons. Of course there is a bad guy trying to destroy the world and the friends have to start working with the digimons in order to save the world and all that.

 I know that you are thinking: ‘Oh my god! You have such a terrible taste for series! That is an extremely overused cliché!’ And I respond: ‘I know! But when you are a seven year old kid who just needs some dinosaur-shaped creatures that throw fire out from their mouths to have fun, and who has not seen enough films to understand what a cliché is, Digimon is like the greatest series ever.’

It is interesting to see how deeply a series that you saw when you were little can influence you as you grow up. I think that I would not be as I am right now if it had not been for Digimon.

                                                            By SPA

*I have to say that some expressions in this text are quite exaggerated. I am not an arrogant, vain guy, I just felt like introducing a little bit of sarcasm in this composition.

*I do not have nightmares with Jordi Hurtado.

viernes, 4 de diciembre de 2015

80. PROS AND CONS OF COSMETIC SURGERY , by S.E (Bachillerato 2)

SONG: Chris de Burg - Lady in Red

When people think about cosmetic surgery, they only think about people who are not happy about their physical appearance and change it by being operated. However, cosmetic surgery is more than that. 

On the one hand, a lot of people who live in developed countries and are not happy about how they look like undergo an operation to be prettier or more attractive. I think that if there were not cosmetic surgery for this kind of things, people would be better. The fact there are operations which change parts of people’s body just because they think they would look better shows that people really need to be changed to look better, and that is not true. I believe we have to accept ourselves just the way we are, and if there are still this kind of operations, people will never get the confidence they need, but, as usual, money is more important than people. 

On the other hand, cosmetic surgery has improved, or even saved, the lives of lots of people who really needed it. People who had suffered an accident or children who were born physically handicaped and had their faces or other parts of their body completely destroyed, are now happy due to cosmetic surgery. 

For this reason, cosmetic surgery should never disappear. Nevertheless, we should think how to use it and its consequences.
                                                             By S.E


SONG:  John Williams - Cavatina

I have never been sure of what I want to study. When I finished fourth of E.S.O I did not know what Bachillerato I should choose as I had no idea what I wanted to be in the future. I chose the science Bachillerato just because I had to choose one. Since then, I have been thinking about what degree to study, related to the science Bachillerato and that I like, so I would probably study physiotherapy. The point is that I am not very sure it is something I will really enjoy doing, and if I chose it, it would be my job for the rest of my life, so I believe I have to think about it better. 

The only thing I am sure for now, is the only purpose I hope to achieve: working abroad. I like Spain and all my family lives here, but I have always enjoyed travelling. I would like to visit different places and stay there for a long time to learn about their culture. 

In conclusion, I would like to study a degree related to health, although I am not sure which one yet. After that I would like to go to a foreign country and work there for a long time. 
                                                                                                                                   By S.E